Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A So-So weekend

The last few days or poker have been So So. I allowed my self to get tilted while playing against a retard at a 60NL table. I had AQs with Top pair second kicker and he had been shoving with all sorts of garbage. He managed to get all his money in on the turn with a double gut shot str8 draw and a backdoor flush draw with only a 3d...I love it when an idiot does something like that, but I hate it when they catch. Oh well, that was the trigger, I managed to tilt off another $80 to him over the coarse of about 3 orbits, so I figured continuing was -EV. Fortunately, I was playing better at my other tables, profited sufficiently there to compensate.

Overall I'm down less than a Buy In from where I was on Friday, but I'm still pretty displeased with my play. I think one of the reasons is when I go back and see where my biggest losses are, its either in spots where I have the nuts but went looking for a check raise and the villian checked behind and caught a backdoor flush or when I make a big move against a villian that had Calling Station tendancies. These I consider mental errors on my part because if you add them up they really account for a hige chunk of change. The fact is at the lower limits its generally very easy to get paid off when you have the goods, so why bluff? Its not always that black and white, but when you go back and look at the results it seems that way.

I think luck plays a factor into everyone's game, I think the difference between a break even player and a winning player is making the right decisions when they count, especially when it comes down to letting go of a hand. Case in point:
Seat 1: mstrbball ($18.75)
Seat 2: Hofdaddy ($91.10)
Seat 3: tbone pablo ($71)
Seat 4: PK_Robber ($174.75)
Seat 5: Raz0rMoron ($93.65)
Seat 6: acesupurass ($20.85)
Raz0rMoron posts the small blind of $0.25
acesupurass posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to PK_Robber [Kh Kd]
mstrbball folds
Hofdaddy folds
tbone pablo calls $0.50
PK_Robber raises to $2.25
Raz0rMoron calls $2
acesupurass folds
tbone pablo calls $1.75
*** FLOP *** [5s 9s 2d]
Raz0rMoron checks
tbone pablo bets $0.50
PK_Robber raises to $5.50
Raz0rMoron folds
tbone pablo calls $5
*** TURN *** [5s 9s 2d] [2c]
tbone pablo checks
PK_Robber bets $14
tbone pablo has 15 seconds left to act
tbone pablo calls $14
*** RIVER *** [5s 9s 2d 2c] [Qh]
tbone pablo has 15 seconds left to act
tbone pablo bets $24
PK_Robber calls $24
*** SHOW DOWN ***
tbone pablo shows [2h 2s] four of a kind, Twos

I think if I were a better player, I could have folded this on the river and saved a 1/2 buy in.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Crazy 1st part of the week

Wow, I feel like I just got off a rollercoaster.

Monday night's play was horrible on my part. I had a huge downswing, I managed to get myself on monkey tilt, which is horrible. I took some bad beats, but in all I deserved the beats I got. I took a break, actually tried to go to bed, but then couldn't sleep, probably because of the two bottles of pop I drank in the afternoon, never a good idea. Then decided to sit down and try to straighten things out. The good news is it worked. I logged back on limited myself to 3 tables and commensed to play the session of a lifetime. Making good calls, bets, and folds. All in all allowed myself to finish the session only down about 3 BIs where as my low point was a whopping 14 (something definately wasn't working upstairs), here is a picture of the good bad and ugly:

However, there is one hand I'm not particularly proud of that still has myself shaking my head thinking I why didn't I let this go: (Let me know what you think)

Villian was: 16.5/8/1

FullTiltPoker Game (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 5:05:34 ET - 2007/09/18
Seat 1: HIGHFIVE21 ($44.50)
Seat 2: luigi71 ($104.60)
Seat 3: Acepooper44 ($63.25)
Seat 4: khoa_expo ($30.95)
Seat 5: PK_Robber ($240.90)
Seat 6: v-ville ($51.55)
v-ville posts the small blind of $0.25
HIGHFIVE21 posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to PK_Robber [Qd Qh]
luigi71 calls $0.50
Acepooper44 folds
khoa_expo folds
PK_Robber raises to $2.25
v-ville folds
HIGHFIVE21 has 15 seconds left to act
HIGHFIVE21 folds
luigi71 calls $1.75
*** FLOP *** [Jd 3c 3h]
luigi71 checks
PK_Robber bets $3.50
luigi71 calls $3.50
*** TURN *** [Jd 3c 3h] [7d]
luigi71 checks
PK_Robber bets $11.50
luigi71 raises to $23
PK_Robber calls $11.50
*** RIVER *** [Jd 3c 3h 7d] [7h]
luigi71 has 15 seconds left to act
luigi71 bets $75.85, and is all in
PK_Robber calls $75.85
*** SHOW DOWN ***
luigi71 shows [7s 7c] four of a kind, Sevens
PK_Robber mucks
luigi71 wins the pot ($206.95) with four of a kind, Sevens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $209.95 | Rake $3
Board: [Jd 3c 3h 7d 7h]
Seat 1: HIGHFIVE21 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: luigi71 showed [7s 7c] and won ($206.95) with four of a kind, Sevens
Seat 3: Acepooper44 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: khoa_expo didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: PK_Robber (button) mucked [Qd Qh] - two pair, Queens and Sevens
Seat 6: v-ville (small blind) folded before the Flop

Here are some of my thoughts, I really had this guy pegged for an underpair. I figured he was only giving me credit for AQ or AK on the flop. When he min bets be on the turn, I'm really thinking boy, he's got 77. but when the case 7 comes on river, I'm thinking, this guys is definately not limping AA or JJ PF. So he either just rivered Quads, has AJ or even bluffing(not likely, I really figured him for Jx.) Moral of the story, the stats don't lie, this guys is passive as all get out, for him to shove here he either has the nuts or is completely bluffing. Spots like this I think are the biggest leak in my game.

All in all, I'm hoping the rest of the week will be better. Monday was such a horrible experience I took yesterday off from Poker and tried to regain my senses. Hopefully when I sit down again, things will come back together.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend of 9/14

Weekend's poker was great.

I managed to get allot of hands in from Friday through Saturday night. Saturday night was especially interesting, I had been playing 4 tables and doing quite well when 3 of my tables broke. The 4th one still going strong and not much had happened yet, when things started to fall in place.... Here is an interesting/brag hand:
FullTiltPoker Game #3578418510: Table St Croix (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 5:08:09 ET - 2007/09/16
Seat 1: goodi23 ($54.05)
Seat 2: DEB101 ($103.20)
Seat 3: jnjnlee86 ($52.70)
Seat 4: super_smooth ($86.40)
Seat 5: PK_Robber ($131.85)
Seat 6: canavarr ($66.75)
jnjnlee86 posts the small blind of $0.25
super_smooth posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to PK_Robber [Jc Js]
PK_Robber raises to $1.75
canavarr folds
goodi23 folds
DEB101 calls $1.75
jnjnlee86 raises to $7.50
super_smooth folds
PK_Robber calls $5.75
DEB101 folds
*** FLOP *** [Jd 5c Ad]
jnjnlee86 bets $13
PK_Robber raises to $51.50
jnjnlee86 calls $32.20, and is all in
PK_Robber shows [Jc Js]
jnjnlee86 shows [Qs Qd]
Uncalled bet of $6.30 returned to PK_Robber
*** TURN *** [Jd 5c Ad] [Kh]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 5c Ad Kh] [9c]
PK_Robber shows three of a kind, Jacks
jnjnlee86 shows a pair of Queens
PK_Robber wins the pot ($104.65) with three of a kind, Jacks
jnjnlee86 adds $50
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $107.65 Rake $3
Board: [Jd 5c Ad Kh 9c]
Seat 1: goodi23 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DEB101 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: jnjnlee86 (small blind) showed [Qs Qd] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 4: super_smooth (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: PK_Robber showed [Jc Js] and won ($104.65) with three of a kind, Jacks
Seat 6: canavarr didn't bet (folded)

Yeah you might think its pretty standard, actually it was a pretty tough PF call for me, here's why. jnjnlee86 was 21/10/1 (VPIP/PFR/AF), but only over 75 hands or so. Bottomline he's only doing this with good cards, while 21 VPIP doesn't sound TAG over only 75 hands, I think its possible. I put his range on 1010+ and AQ or better. So that gave me some equity, but frankly I wouldn't know where I was on the flop if all low cards came out. i didn't want to raise him, because 4betting this would commit me to the hand and frankly I didn't want to be in a spot where I was priced into calling an all in with JJ. If you look at the Poker stove numbers below, they make me pretty happy, because they actually match exactly what I was thinking. That makes me happy because its a good sign that my game is coming around.

When the flop came Jd 5c Ad, well I have hit my set. He lead out for 13, I figure I couldn't rule out AK, or AQ here, and KK and QQ would probably also CBET. So I shoved, and again Poker stove backed me up.

Poker Stove PF:

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 53.124% 52.08% 01.04% 50831296 1018733.00 { TT+, AQs+, AQo+ }
Hand 1: 46.876% 45.83% 01.04% 44732566 1018733.00 { JcJs }

Poker stove on the FLOP:
Board: Ad Jd 5c
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 12.467% 12.47% 00.00% 5554 0.00 { TT+, AQs+, AQo+ }
Hand 1: 87.533% 87.53% 00.00% 38996 0.00 { JcJs }

I'll probably post a few other hands this week.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

PK Robber's Poker Blog

Welcome to my blog site. Mostly planning to post my history playing poker online and live.

I am a member and a frequent contributor to thier Low Limit No Limit Holdem Cash Game forum. If you play poker and aren't a CR member, you are cheating your self by not investing. I think the site is great for improving your game and getting access to real poker expertise. It has changed and improved my game significantly since joining in March or 2007.

If you play poker online I highly recommend getting rakeback. The below is the link to the rakeback sight I use, what I like best about this rakeback sight is that you get paid your rakeback daily and can widthdraw it as frequently as you choose. Here is the link:

So incase you are wondering, yes the above is an affiliate link, but if you do sign up through that link, I'd be happy to discuss and review Hand histories with you.